Page 13 - Testimonials
P. 13

On March 21st I scanned my friend, Indigo because a mutual friend called to say there was an
               ambulance at her home and she was passed out on the floor.
               The scan showed; Vessel spasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage SAB, Cerebral edema,
               Haematocephalus, Brain and blood circulation -> Brain - related regions and signals, -> Brain -
               alphabetical list -> Cerebrum, Commissura anterior, Cortex, parietal left and another page of
               brain issues.

               Indigo had a stroke. She needed a shunt to relieve the internal pressure from the brain bleed. This
               was done on the left side.

               The assessment test given to stroke victims shortly after their stroke to determine probable
               survival and recovery resulted in a 70% chance Indigo would not be alive in 30 days. The doctors
               informed us she would not walk, and would be very incapacitated if she lived.  She’d probably
               need a feeding tube and have limited use of her hands and limited speaking ability.

               We couldn’t give Indigo eeWater, but we ran the broadcast, updating every 10 days. This was the
               only treatment or remedy Indigo received outside of conventional allopathic care.

               On May 24 Indigo was moved to a rehabilitation facility to be cleared to go home. She stayed
               there 5 days and signed herself out.

               The doctors called it miraculous. She is walking, talking, eating, and recovered except for certain
               memory issues that continue to improve.

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